Life Happens, and Then You Decide by Your Actions
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During my journey on the Empowering Communities Across America Tour, I’ve encountered countless young adults struggling to find their career paths, transitioning into new roles, and unsure of which direction to take. Some are simply in survival mode, clinging to the hope of a better future.
One interaction that stands out occurred in a Walgreens near Albany, NY. My engagement with people varies on this journey, but this particular conversation began in the most ordinary of ways—over a purchase of a toothbrush while standing in the checkout line.
A young woman, just 19 years old, was in line with a friend. I overheard their conversation and made a light-hearted comment about her toothbrush purchase. This led to her sharing something that caught me off guard: she was living out of her car.
When I asked why, her answer shocked me. I had heard of stories like hers before, but never firsthand. She had been adopted, but after aging out of the foster care system, the financial support her foster parents received ended. As a result, she was pushed out and left to fend for herself. What struck me most was her attitude—she was proud of what she had accomplished. She had a job in childcare, owned her car, paid all her bills, including her cell phone, but couldn’t afford a place to live. Her car was her home until she could find a better job opportunity.
I shared my contact information and explained how she could access state labor department resources for training, which could help her increase her earnings and eventually afford a place to live.
These types of interactions remind me why I’m on this journey—why I’m meant to be in these places at these moments. Life throws us curveballs, often due to circumstances beyond our control—where we’re born, where we live, or events that impact our health. It’s in these moments that our true character is tested, and how we decide to move forward can shape not only our immediate path but our long-term future. Just as this young woman is navigating her own challenges, I too have faced unexpected trials on this journey that have tested my resilience and determination.
Embracing Challenges: My Injury and Recovery
Throughout my life, I’ve faced events that have tested my resilience and shaped who I am today. These experiences have taught me grit and tenacity, and for that, I am grateful. My most recent challenge is still unfolding—an unexpected opportunity to learn more about myself and how I deal with pain and health complications.
I’ve always heard horror stories about injuries at dog parks—dogs running full speed and colliding with people at knee level. I’ve been careful to stay out of their way, but this time, I wasn’t quick enough. In a flash, I felt a bone snap and fell to the ground. I knew immediately that my leg was broken.
I didn’t put any weight on it and went straight to the emergency room. After X-rays, a CAT scan, and a follow-up with an orthopedic trauma surgeon, the diagnosis was clear: a plateau-fractured tibia. Surgery was the only option—six screws and a metal plate later, I began my recovery.
This accident could have happened anywhere along my journey over the past six months, but it happened where I have family and friends to support me. I am incredibly grateful for that. I don’t know how I would have managed on my own. My sister has been an absolute saint during this time, and it’s also given us the opportunity to spend more time together—something we haven’t done much of in the past. Of course, I know she’ll be glad to have her life back to normal when I’m gone!
Before the accident, I had planned to head to Long Island and make a couple more stops on my way back south to North Carolina. Once there, I had planned to rent a place in the Smoky Mountains, enjoying some fall hiking and winter skiing. But with three months of no weight-bearing on my leg, those plans had to change.
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Adapting to New Plans
I redirected my rental to a new location in North Carolina near Lake Norman. It’s a beautiful area where I can enjoy the surroundings and, most importantly, have easy access to medical treatment during my recovery.
This experience has taught me a lot. One week post-op, I’ve already faced numerous challenges. My team, partners, and customers have been incredibly supportive, helping to quickly shift timelines and schedules to adjust to this unexpected detour. The process of redirection has allowed me to focus on something other than the pain, which has been a welcome distraction.
This injury has also forced me to slow down—a lesson I’ve struggled to learn in the past. Using crutches to do anything, and sometimes scooting on my butt to navigate stairs, has made me think about every step I take with a leg that now feels like dead weight. I’m thankful for my years of yoga practice, which have been a lifesaver—I’ve become quite adept at balancing on one leg.
Ironically, the injury is to my right leg, and my left leg has always been my weaker side due to past injuries, like tearing the fascia in my foot from running a marathon. Building strength on my left side has always been a challenge, but now, this injury is forcing that outcome. So, I’m focusing on strengthening my left leg and arms.
The Power of Resilience and Modern Medicine
I’ve done a lot of research on the healing process and the benefits of weight-bearing exercises for bone recovery. Studies show that stretching osteocytes can spur them into action, triggering the release of proteins involved in bone development. Exercise not only promotes the survival of osteocytes but also aids in bone healing. So, while I’m careful not to put weight on my leg, I’m doing everything I can to build strength elsewhere.
This is my first broken bone, and I’m in awe of the medical advancements that will allow me to fully recover. When they told me about the six screws and metal plate in my leg, I couldn’t help but think of a scene from Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Forever, where Dr. McCoy is horrified by the primitive medical procedures of the 1930s. As a bit of a geek, that’s where my mind went. But I had full confidence in the doctor’s analysis and his plan to get me back to being me again. I’m incredibly grateful for what modern medicine can do.
Conclusion: Life as a Journey
Embracing life as a journey rather than a destination keeps me focused on moving forward, even when I can’t control the circumstances. A positive mindset is key to overcoming challenges, and knowing that I’ve already overcome so much in life helps put this current challenge into perspective. In the grand scheme of things, this is just another step in the journey.